Urea price uptrend In China and India, urea production is coal-based. After China and India, other major urea producing countries have good natural gas reserves. More than 80% of the urea produced is used in the preparation of chemical fertilizers containing nitrogen. A small percentage of urea is also used to produce chemical compounds such as plastics, adhesives such as […]
How we can know price of smr20 in market ?
Price of SMR20 The global market for rubber making and industrial rubber products is largely dependent on natural rubber as raw material. The Smr20 market is in a state of excess. Influenced by the increased level of natural rubber exploitation in the main production areas, the slowdown in the growth of the tire industry and other factors, there will still […]
How we can know price of RPO in market ?
Rubber process oil is a by-product of the rubber industry and is used in variety of applications. It is a natural oil which is used in making different products and is also used as an additive in food, pharmaceuticals, and industrial applications.