New carbon nanotube; the blackest thing on the planet

New carbon nanotube; the blackest thing on the planet

New carbon nanotube

We all know that darkness occurs in the absence of light. The presence of colors on surfaces and objects is actually due to the light of seven colors that shines on them , We all know that darkness occurs in the absence of light. The existence of colors on surfaces and objects is actually due to the light of seven colors that shines on them and then the ones that are not absorbed are reflected based on the wavelength, and in fact the color that we see is these reflections. This is why everything appears black when there is no light. Like midnight, in a desert without light, if there is no moonlight

Vanta black reflects only 0.04% of the incoming light

But seeing something as pitch black in broad daylight must be interesting. In fact, this material should absorb all light and not reflect any wavelength of light. The above picture belongs to the material that was poured into aluminum foil in Suri Nano System’s laboratory and is called “Vanta Black”. Vanta Black is a low temperature carbon nanotube material that absorbs 99.96% of incoming light and reflects only 0.04%. Vanta Black wants to prove to us with these figures that it is the blackest substance on earth. Anything coated with this substance will not reflect, and therefore all the surface details of the object in question will be lost before our eyes. Well, what’s the point now? This new black infinite material uses a low temperature process, so it can be used to make war devices or telescopes. A device made with these materials cannot be recognized from a distance. The manufacturing company has said that this material can be used to make products in the space and defense industries, and now the first series of orders is being prepared. It seems that they are not satisfied with this vantablack and are working on a darker vantablack. As it seems, we are approaching a bleak future.

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