How to produce rubber ball ?
Definition of a rubber ball
It is one of the parts of the rubber industry that has the task of sealing the diaphragm pump of safety valves due to its important and sensitive role in industrial places, all items related to this spherical part such as production, weight, density, material Or material, appearance and dimensions must be calculated and measured in a completely engineering way. Royan Sanat Rubber Manufacturing Industries is able to localize and produce various types of rubber balls.
Application of rubber ball
In industrial mechanisms, air pumps and valves, it has the task of opening and closing the flow of fluid, air and… or other items, and the reason for using this part in this mechanism is its easy movement with the least pressure, which makes the spherical appearance of the part possible. Allows the designer to have the most movement and the highest reliability of sealing in his design with the least energy.
Rubber ball material
Depending on the working environment and operating conditions of this part is selected, epdm material is used in many chemicals, such as acids and bases, as well as in hot water and salt water up to 100 ° C. NBR NBR Used in environments that are in the vicinity of oil, oil vapor and.. It is used with SILICON silicone material at a temperature of -20 degrees to 200 degrees. With Whiton material, it is used in chemical environments with temperatures above 200 degrees, while the operating environment has normal conditions, NR and SBR materials can be used.
Dimensions and size of rubber ball
The dimensions of this piece are determined only by the diameter and radius, and also by having the size of the diameter or radius, the volume can be obtained.
Density, mass, weight of rubber ball
Density and mass of this part is the most important part because it is used in pumps and valves and also the movement of the rubber ball is adjusted by pressure and engineering is effective in designing the mechanism of all parameters such as size, mass. Also, a steel or aluminum ball in the center of the ball is effective in increasing the weight of the piece, and a hollow bent sheet can be used to reduce weight.
Method of production
It is produced using 2-piece steel molds and the rubber compound is placed inside the mold in a regular bite. Rubber spheres with higher diameters are more difficult and time consuming to produce. Also, metal spheres (with metal center) are highly sensitive and during production, if the necessary care is not taken, the metal core is not placed in the center and causes irregular movement of the sphere in the mechanism.