What are the tips for polybutadiene rubber?
Some tips for polybutadiene rubber
One of the most important aspects of PBR that is dangerous to human health is that polybutadiene polymeric materials should not be exposed to oxidants at all when they are in their packaging. It should be noted that PBR does not pose a direct risk to the environment. But if it is in pure contact with the skin or eyes of people, the polymer particles cause severe irritation in these areas and cause redness and pain in the eyes or skin. Therefore, to prevent these events, it is better for people who come in contact with this substance to always use masks and special clothes for their work. Contact with flammable sources should also be strictly avoided. This is because if PBR decomposes by heat, it is released into the environment in the form of oxygen, carbon and carbon dioxide, reducing the oxygen in the space. This process has very toxic effects on the cells of the body, as a result of which people will have difficulty breathing.
PBR maintenance
Generally, polybutadiene rubber chemicals are produced and supplied in 1000 kg packages. These packages should be stored in a cool, dry place away from any materials that generate heat. The storage temperature at which butadiene rubber is stored should not exceed 30 ° C. It should be noted that these materials are best stored in separate warehouses away from other chemicals. If some of these materials or residues of these polymer compounds were spilled on the ground one day, do not discharge them into streams or municipal sewers.