What is the cold emulsion styrene rubber(SBR)?
Styrene butadiene rubber
Styrene butadiene rubber is widely used in various industries and as ordinary rubber. This material is a cheap elastomer that is used for general purposes and in some cases replaces rubber. The reason for the success of this type of composite rubber is its various properties and many applications. Also, this material is the only example that has long-term elasticity and can meet many needs of new technology.
What is styrene butadiene rubber?
Styrene butadiene rubber (known as SBR or styrene butadiene) is a composite rubber composed of styrene and butadiene monomers. This periodic polymer also has properties similar to natural rubber and has the following properties:
- Existence of 10 to 25% styrene with good resistance to damage and the presence of favorable chemical bonds
Abrasion resistance - Good impact strength
- Elasticity
- High strength against stretching
It also has greater strength, abrasion resistance and compatibility with other materials when compared to polybutadiene rubber alone. It is even possible to improve the properties of styrene butadiene rubber by using additives. The main uses of this material include car tires and tire products, car parts and mechanical products.
Properties and structure of styrene butadiene
It was first developed in Germany in the 1930s by IG Farben’s Walter Bock and Eduard Tschunkur, who deposited a compound rubber called Buna-S (derived from styrene and butadiene) in a water emulsion. The first soluble polystyrene styrene butadiene rubber was commercially produced in the 1960s by Firestone and Phillips. Today, there are two types of styrene butadiene rubbers, each of which has different properties based on the production process.
- Styrene butadiene rubber emulsion (e-SBR) containing cold and hot types of this material
- A type of styrene butadiene rubber solution also known as s-SBR
- Styrene butadiene rubber emulsion (e-SBR)
- It can be produced by emulsion polymerization of free radicals between styrene and butadiene at 50 to 60 ° C (very hot type) or at 5 ° C (cold type)
- The process of producing styrene butadiene rubber with hot emulsion, which was first developed, creates a kind of polymer with more branches than the cold state. The types of styrene butadiene emulsion rubbers produced by this method have unique properties such as low probability of size reduction under pressure, good dimensional stability and desirable properties in the foraminiferal or extrusion process
- In addition, the cold type of styrene butadiene rubber has better resistance to abrasion and can also give the tread more resistance to wear and tear. Its mechanical properties are also superior to other types, such as tensile strength. The rubber properties of emulsion styrene butadiene rubber are compared with the grade properties produced by hot emulsion polymerization method.
Main properties
- Low elasticity and low tensile strength
Unique abrasion resistance - Low resistance to oil, other hydrocarbon liquids and ozone
- Low tear resistance
- Resins that contain large amounts of styrene have good properties at low temperatures, such as Stephen